Privacy Policy - Frigicoll

According to 15/1999 Act, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data, you are informed that your personal data included in this communication are added to a file managed by the company FRIGICOLL, S.A., Corporate Tax ID Code: A-08214538, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, in volume 1585, book 1017, section 2, Folio 133, sheet number 13594. The purpose of this file is to manage the requested service.

The user warrants that all the data reported through is accurate, and undertakes to update the information it provides to FRIGICOLL, S.A., so that it reflects its real situation at all times, being solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements, as well as for any damages caused to FRIGICOLL, S.A. or to third parties.

FRIGICOLL, S.A. shall not be held liable for the incorrect, inappropiate or illicit use of any information appearing on the web pages of FRIGICOLL, S.A.

Within the legal limits established, FRIGICOLL, S.A. shall not be held liable for the lack of veracity, integrity, updating or accuracy of the data or information contained in its web pages. The contents and information of the websites of FRIGICOLL, S.A. are developed by professionals who are duly qualified for the exercise of their profession. However, the contents and information are not binding upon the former, nor do they constitute opinions, advice or legal advice of any kind, since it is merely a service offered for informative purposes.

FRIGICOLL, S.A.’s websites may contain links to third-party websites. Therefore, the company is not responsible for the content that may appear on third party web pages. Texts, images, sounds, animations, software and other contents included in this website are the exclusive property of FRIGICOLL, S.A. or its licensors. Any act of total or partial transfer, distribution, assignment, reproduction, storage or public communication must be expressly authorised by FRIGICOLL, S.A.

In addition, in order to access the services offered by FRIGICOLL, S.A. through the website, you must provide some personal data. In compliance with the provisions of LOPD 15/1999, December 13th, we inform you that your personal data will be incorporated and processed in the database of FRIGICOLL, S.A., in order to be able to provide and offer our services. You are likewise informed that you may exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition with regard to your personal data, at C/BLASCO DE GARAY, 4-6 08960 SANT JUST DESVERN (BARCELONA), or by sending an email to

In order to access the “Professionals Zone”, the user will have a user code and password to enter the website.

FRIGICOLL, S.A. is not responsible for the misuse of passwords that you may make as a user. It is the user’s responsibility to properly safeguard the keys and passwords that are provided for user access, preventing the improper use or access thereof by third parties

In addition, your acceptance of this Legal Notice implies the provision of your express consent for FRIGICOLL, S.A. to send you advertising or promotional comunications by email or other equivalent means of communication, under the terms established by Law 34/2002, on Information Society Services and E-Commerce. In the event that you do not wish to receive these types of communications, you may contact FRIGICOLL, S.A., at the aforementioned address or email, stating your wishes.


The contents provided by FRIGICOLL, S.A. are subject to intellectual and industrial property rights and are solely owned by FRIGICOLL, S.A. or by those natural or legal persons which may be specified. By acquiring a product or service, no right is granted by FRIGICOLL, S.A. to the acquirer to alter, exploit, reproduce, distribute or publicly disclose said product or service; FRIGICOLL, S.A. reserves all these rights. The assignment of the aforementioned rights shall require the prior written consent of the holder thereof, such that the client may not make such content available to third parties.

Intellectual property protection extends, in addition to the content included in FRIGICOLL, S.A., to its graphics, logos, designs, images and source codes used for its programming.

FRIGICOLL, S.A. has obtained the information and materials included in the website from sources considered to be reliable and, although reasonable measures have been taken to ensure that the information contained is correct, FRIGICOLL, S.A. cannot guarantee that at all times and in all circumstances such information is accurate, complete, up-to-date and therefore it should not be taken for granted as if it were. FRIGICOLL, S.A. expressly disclaims any responsibility for error or omission in the information contained in the pages of this website.

FRIGICOLL, S.A. reserves the right to amend, suspend, cancel or restrict the content of the website, the links or information obtained through it, without prior notice. The latter shall, in no case, be held liable as a result of the incorrect use of the website by the user, with regard both to the information and the services contained therein.

Under no circumstances shall FRIGICOLL, S.A., its branches and/or work centres, its directors and/or attorneys-in-fact, employees and, in general, the authorised personnel, be held liable for any kind of damages, losses, claims or expenses of any kind, whether they originate, directly or indirectly, from the use and/or dissemination of the website or from the information acquired or accessed through it, or its computer viruses, operating failures or interruptions in the service or transmission or connection failures in the use of the website, both via direct connection and via a link or other means, constituting to all legal effects a notice to any user that these possibilities and events may occur.

FRIGICOLL, S.A. is not responsible for third-party websites that may be accessed via links or any content made available to third parties. Any use of a link or access to a non-proprietary website shall be performed at the user’s will and at its own risk. FRIGICOLL, S.A. does not recommend or guarantee any of the information obtained by or through a link, nor is it responsible for any loss, claim or damage arising from the use or misuse of a link, or the information obtained through it, including other links or websites, for any interruption in the service or access, or attempts to use or misuse a link, both when connecting to the FRIGICOLL, S.A. website and when accessing information on other websites from it.


For the purposes of the current regulations on data protection, the data of your CV that you provide to us are essential for the processing of the application, and the owners thereof consent that their personal data and CV, including the email address, which are provided are included in the database for which FRIGICOLL, SA is responsible, in order to study and / or execute this application and for the personalized and segmented study and analysis thereof.

The curriculum data provided will be held for a period of one year, after which FRIGICOLL, S.A. will proceed to their total destruction.

FFRIGICOLL, S.A. guarantees that all personal data provided will be used for the purpose, in the manner and with the limitations and rights granted by the Organic Law 15/1999, on Protection of Personal Data. The owner may exercise the rights of opposition, access and information, rectification, cancellation of their data and revocation of their authorization without retroactive effects, by writing to FRIGICOLL, SA, C / BLASCO DE GARAY, 4-6 – 08960 SANT JUST DESVERN (BARCELONA)


TThis website is owned by FRIGICOLL, S.A. The intellectual property rights and the rights of exploitation and copyright of this website, of its pages, screens, the information contained therein, its appearance and design, as well as the hyperlinks from it to other websites of any FRIGICOLL, S.A. subsidiary and/or investee company, are the sole property of FRIGICOLL, S.A., unless expressly stated otherwise. Any name, design and/or logo, as well as any product or service offered and featured on this website, are trademarks which have been duly registered by FRIGICOLL, S.A., by its subsidiaries and/or investee companies or by third parties. Any misuse thereof by persons other than their rightful owner and without the express and unequivocal consent on the part of the latter may be reported and prosecuted taking legal action as established in the Spanish and/or EU legal system.

TThe intellectual property rights and trademark rights belonging to third parties are suitably highlighted and must be observed by all those accessing this website; FRIGICOLL, S.A. is not responsible for the use that any user may make in this respect, for which the user is solely responsible.

For personal and private use only, the contents may be downloaded and any page of this website may be copied or printed. The unauthorized reproduction, modification, transmission or deletion of information, content or warnings of this website without written permission from FRIGICOLL is prohibited.


These general terms and conditions are governed by the Spanish law, whereby the Spanish courts and tribunals have jurisdiction to rule on any issues that may arise in the interpretation, application and fulfillment thereof. The user, based on its acceptance to the general terms and conditions contained in this disclaimer, expressly waives any jurisdiction which may apply under the law of Civil procedure in force.


  • 1. Information on the data controller for the data hosted on the official website of FRIGICOLL, S.A. on the social network.

    In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13th, on the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter LOPD) and the Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21st, approving the implementing regulations of the LOPD (hereinafter RDLOPD) FRIGICOLL, S.A. wishes to inform the users of this social network of the policy for the processing and protection of the personal data of all those who voluntarily access and use FRIGICOLL, S.A.’s official website through the network. The user’s access and use of this official website of FRIGICOLL, S.A. implies express acceptance of this privacy policy and consent to the treatment of their personal data as set forth therein.

  • 2. Data of minors or persons without legal capacity

    Access to and registration on this social network is prohibited to persons under fourteen (14) years of age; hence, access and use by persons under fourteen (14 years) to the official website of FRIGICOLL, S.A. is likewise prohibited. For its part, if the user lacks legal capacity, FRIGICOLL, S.A. cautions that the consent of the holder of parental authority or legal guardianship of the user or the user’s legal representative is required in order to access and use FRIGICOLL, S.A.’s official website. FRIGICOLL, S.A. shall be expressly held harmless from any responsibility that may derive from the use of its official website by minors and persons without legal capacity, this being the responsibility of its legal representatives as appropriate.

  • 3. Identification of the data controller’s corporate name

    The user is informed that FRIGICOLL, S.A., with registered office at C/BLASCO DE GARAY, 4-6 – 08960 SANT JUST DESVERN (BARCELONA), is the data controller for the database and processing whereby the user’s data is collected and stored as a result of the registration and use of the official website of FRIGICOLL, S.A. in this social network, notwithstanding the processing carried out by the holder entity of the social network where our official website is located.

  • 4. Purposes of use of personal data, information and consent

    The personal data provided voluntarily by the user to FRIGICOLL, S.A. through its official website shall be subject to data processing which is the responsibility of FRIGICOLL, S.A. in order to offer information to the user on FRIGICOLL, S.A., by e-mail, fax, SMS, MMS, social communities or any other electronic or physical medium, present or future, that enables commercial communication, newsletter remittance to users who subscribe, exchange information with FRIGICOLL, S.A. and other users and establish communication with third parties.

    From the moment the user uses this official website, the user gives their free, unequivocal, specific, informed and express consent for the processing of their personal data by FRIGICOLL,S.A. for the proper provision of such services in accordance with the provisions of this policy.

    The user is free to use FRIGICOLL, S.A.’s official website on this social network; hence, in the event that the user disagrees with the processing of their data for such purposes, the user must refrain from its use and from providing their personal data.

    Through FRIGICOLL, S.A.’s official website, the user may share texts, photos, videos and other information and/or content that shall be subject both to this policy and to the rules and conditions of the Platform. The user undertakes that all the content that it publishes adheres to the current legislation, the present policy and the rules of the platform.

    The user may only publish on FRIGICOLL, S.A.’s official website those personal data, photographs and information or other contents whose ownership and property belong to the user or for which it holds third-party authorisation.

    FRIGICOLL, S.A. shall be entitled to remove from this official website – unilaterally and without prior communication or authorisation from the user- any content published by the user when the user infringes or violates relevant current law, the rules established in this policy and the rules of the platform.

  • 5. Identification of the recipients to whom FRIGICOLL, S.A. plans to transfer or communicate data

    The user is advised that all the information and contents published on FRIGICOLL, S.A.’s official website on the social network may be viewed by other users of the official website and of the social network platform. Accordingly, all the information and contents published by the user on FRIGICOLL, S.A.’s official website on this social network will be disclosed to all other users due to the very nature of the service.

    FRIGICOLL, S.A. only foresees the transfer or disclosure of data that must be made to judges, courts, public administrations and competent administrative authorities in accordance with current relevant law and regulations.

  • 6. Other third party service providers

    FRIGICOLL, S.A. hereby advises the user that this entity is only responsible and guarantees the confidentiality, security and processing of the data in accordance with this policy, with respect to the personal data that it collects from the user through this official website on this social network, and accepts no responsibility for the subsequent processing and uses of personal data that could be carried out by the owner of the social network as well as by third-party service providers of the information society that may access such data for the purpose of the provision of its services or exercise of its activity, third parties that may insert hyper links to the social network, or those to which FRIGICOLL, S.A. refers the users registered in this official website via hyper links.

  • 7. Data quality

    FRIGICOLL, S.A. advises the user that, unless there exists a legally constituted representation, no user can use the identity of another person and disclose their personal data; hence, the user at all times should bear in mind that they may only provide personal data pertaining to their own identity and that are appropriate, relevant, current, accurate and true. In any event, the user must respect the privacy of third parties, whether or not they are users of the social network or of FRIGICOLL, S.A.’s official website in that network.

  • 8. Exercise of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of the data

    FRIGICOLL, S.A. informs the user that they may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by means of a written request addressed to FRIGICOLL, S.A. with registered office at C/BLASCO DE GARAY, 4-6 – 08960 SANT JUST DESVERN (BARCELONA), or that which may replace it and is duly reported to the General Registry of Data Protection. For this purpose, the interested party must send FRIGICOLL, S.A. the written communication indicating the request or right exercised together with a copy of their National ID Document or valid legal document certifying their identity, expressly stating their user name on the FRIGICOLL, S.A. Official website on the social network, in order to unequivocally identify the user.

  • 9. Other information of interest

    FRIGICOLL, S.A. may at any time amend and/or replace the present policy which, depending on the case, shall replace, complete and/or modify that currently published herein. Therefore the user must regularly access it in order to keep updated.

    The user may contact FRIGICOLL, S.A. through the internal messaging service of the social network or at the following addresses and contact details:




    The user may also view the rules and policies published by the owner of the social network for use thereof.